Robin Hood
This exciting story captures the essence of one of England's most enduring legends. Robin Hood is everybody's hero, taking his place beside Saint George, King Arthur and other immortals of English folklore. Here, the famous outlaw comes to life in a new retelling of his adventures, which offers a moderately easy text, illustrated with fine line drawings by Christiane Lesch. - The text and illustrations are complemented by a very extensive range of extra material catering for a wide range of tastes - a Robin Hood poem and two songs, extra background notes for teachers and/or classes, lists of recommended books and internet resources, three separate vocabulary sections (thematic, opposites and page-by-page), and the usual vast selection of practice material to choose from over 800 questions in all. These exercises cover who-, what, where-questions, short answers, either-or material, tense-changing, question-forming, simple retellings and various types of vocabulary and comprehension work. A list of English Irregular Verbs completes the material.
For Class 6.
92 pp.
5,00 EUR
Bestellen Sie bei der Pädagogischen Forschungsstelle Stuttgart HIER.
ISBN 978-3-927286-56-6
Best.-Nr.: 6000 58